1. Business name
1.1. Business name: [tmalltote]
2. Responsible party
2.1. Responsible party: [Whales]
3. Address
3.1. Address: [4818 Hood Avenue]
4. Contact details
4.1. Email address: [[email protected]]
4.2. Phone number: [619-968-8538]
5. Product price
5.1. Product prices are displayed on the website and include VAT and other applicable taxes.
6. Payment methods
6.1. We accept multiple payment methods, including credit card, bank transfer, and Alipay.
7. Delivery time
7.1. We will deliver your order as soon as possible after the order is confirmed, but delivery times may vary depending on stock availability, delivery method, delivery destination, etc.
8. Return Policy
8.1. You may apply for a return or exchange in accordance with our return policy. For more information, please refer to the return policy on our website.
9. Refund Policy
9.1. If applicable, we will issue a refund if the return conditions are met. For more information, please refer to the refund policy on our website.
10. Estimated Shipping Costs
10.1. Shipping costs will be displayed at checkout depending on your order (product quantity, weight, delivery destination, etc.).
11. Shipping Company
11.1. We will select an appropriate shipping company to deliver your order and ensure prompt delivery of your order.
12. Storage Responsibility
12.1. We are responsible for the storage of the products before they are delivered.